While in Trebinje, we visited the laboratory facility of the Hydropower plants in Trebinje (Hidroelektrane na Trebišnjici), where we were warmly welcomed by Adrijana Vučurević, the director of the laboratory. We had an opportunity to present our SubBIOCODE project, especially the database and its web interface, and shared the views on the hydropower plants. After these discussions, we had a tour in the laboratories, where they explained how they perform the monitoring of the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the Trebišnjica river. Dušanka Berak Čihorić, who was also a participant of a workshop in Trebinje, showed us her laboratory and equipment for sampling macrozoobenthos and plankton. As her PhD thesis, she is studying the diversity of species within the genus Phoxinellus, living in karst fields in Eastern Herzegovina. Our visit was an opportunity to highlight the importance and exceptional value of the richness of subterranean life in the region. Being aware of its exceptional importance presents an important step toward improved protection in spatial planning.
Presenting the SubBIOCODE Database to the director of the laboratory facility of the Hydropower plants in Trebinje. View over Hydropower dam.