On Monday, 25th May 2020, Teo Delić held a video lecture entitled “Endless and invisible richness of the Dinarides”, to students, cavers and naturalists from BIH. He presented many cases of interesting new findings from recent years.

On Friday, 15th May 2020, Maja Zagmajster held a video lecture entitled “Uniqueness of subterranean biodiversity of Dinaric karst”, to introduce interested students, cavers and naturalists from BIH to the exceptional subterranean biodiversity of Dinaric karst.  As the break due to SARS-CoV-2 virus took longer than we anticipated, we decided…

Due to the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 virus and restrictions set to limit the spread of the virus, we had to cancel the sampling trip and educational workshop in Popovo polje and the area around Trebinje, planned for the third week of March 2020. Even though this will delay some of…

The poster about the “SubBIOCODE” project is set up in the hall of the Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, where it attracts attention of visitors and numerous students.

Kick-off meeting of both project partners, SubBioLab and CKS team, took place in Rakov Škocjan in Slovenia, on 19th October 2019. This was a great opportunity for everyone to meet, and to exchange the first thoughts and ideas about the implementation of the project’s activities in SE Bosnia and Herzegovina. …

We presented the project at the 2nd Dinaric Symposium on Subterranean Biology, which was held in Postojna, Slovenia on 18th-19th October 2019 . Interest in subterranean life of the Dinarides and other karst regions gathered more than 70 participants, mainly from the Western Balkan countries, but also from France, Slovakia,…

In September 2019, we signed the Grant agreement, which meant official start of the project “Developing New Tools for Rapid Assessment of Subterranean Biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, or shortly “SubBIOCODE”. The team of the grant holder met on 19th September 2019, to celebrate the start of the exciting project…

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