It is our pleasure to announce that the SubBIOCODE database on subterranean biodiversity in Southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina is launched!
As one of the main goals of the project SubBIOCODE we developed an online interface to the database on subterranean biodiversity in the project region – Trebišnjica catchment in Southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data is taken directly from the SubBioDB, the central database of the SubBioLab (Subterranean Biology Lab at the University of Ljubljana). The database provides current knowledge on subterranean species, their distribution, molecular sequences and conservation status (if it was determined). It includes available literature data, as well as unpublished data from SubBioLab studies and new data gathered during the project fieldwork expeditions.
The database aims to facilitate access to information on subterranean species, which can be used by researchers, decision-makers as well as the interested public. It includes DNA barcodes for certain species, which represents a useful tool for rapid molecular identification of species, especially for those that are morphologically hard or even impossible to distinguish. Provided IUCN Red List categories are valuable information when setting conservation priorities and strategies for protecting this biodiversity hotspot.
We believe that many users of the database sometimes visit subterranean habitats (caves, springs, wells …) and notice animals living there. A very important part of the database interface is the possibility to contribute information from ongoing studies or any other findings by filling in a form “Contribute information” on the SubBIOCODE database homepage or notifying us via That information will be reviewed for quality and might be included in the database that is constantly updating and adding all available information. Every observation is a valuable contribution to better knowledge and understanding of subterranean life.