Delić T., Kos A., Premate E., Rexhepi B., Zagmajster M. (Eds.). (2022). 3rd Dinaric Symposium on Subterranean Biology, 9th – 10th April 2022, Trebinje. Abstract book, 51 pp.
Vasić D., Kos A., Fišer C. Zagmajster M. (2022). Range sizes and conservation of Niphargus species (Amphipoda) occuring in Trebišnjica river catchment in Southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Poster presented at the 3rd Dinaric Symposium on Subterranean Biology, 9.-10. April 2022, Trebinje.
Kos A., Di Batista M., Delić T., Zagmajster M. (2022). SubBIOCODE Database – web interface to facilitate access to data on subterranean biodiversity in Southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Oral presentation at the 3rd Dinaric Symposium on Subterranean Biology, 9.-10. April 2022, Trebinje.
Kuna D., Rexhepi B., Kos A., Zagmajster M., Fišer C., Delić T. (2022). Unexpected diversity of Niphargus boskovici species complex inferred from mitochondrial DNA. Poster presented at the 3rd Dinaric Symposium on Subterranean Biology, 9.-10. April 2022, Trebinje.
Vulić M., Delić, T., Zagmajster M. (2022). Inventory of fauna in the Ljubačevo cave near Banja Luka, BIH. Poster presented at the 3rd Dinaric Symposium on Subterranean Biology, 9.-10. April 2022, Trebinje.
Glöer P., Mulaomerović J. (2021) Four new hydrobiid species from Bosnia-Herzegovina (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae). Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Gesellschaft, 28(6): pp. 63-66.
Zagmajster M., Borko Š., Bračko G., Delić T., Kos A., Pekolj A., Premate E., Rexhepi B., Trontelj P., Zakšek V., Fišer C. (2021). Facilitating the use of subterranean biodiversity data in nature conservation: examples from Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Blatnik et al. (Eds.), 28th International Karstological School, 14th – 18th June 2021, Postojna, Abstract book, p.139.
Zagmajster M., Borko Š., Bračko G., Delić T., Kos A., Pekolj A., Premate E., Rexhepi B., Trontelj P., Zakšek V., Fišer C. (2021). Facilitating the use of subterranean biodiversity data in nature conservation: examples from Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Poster presented at the 28th International Karstological School, 14th – 18th June 2021, Postojna.
Zagmajster M., Borko Š., Bračko G., Delić T., Fišer C., Premate E., Šafhauzer M., Trontelj P., Mulaomerović J. (2020). SUBBIOCODE – Developing new tools for rapid assessment of subterranean biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Poster presented at IV Symposium of biologists and ecologist of Republic of Srpska with international participation – SBERS2020, 12.-14. November 2020, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka.
Zagmajster M., Borko Š., Bračko G., Delić T., Fišer C., Premate E., Šafhauzer M., Trontelj P., Mulaomerović J. (2020). SUBBIOCODE – Razvoj novih alata za brzu procjenu podzemnog biodiverziteta u Bosni i Hercegovini/SUBBIOCODE – Developing new tools for rapid assessment of subterranean biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Jojić (Ed.), IV Symposium of biologists and ecologist of Republic of Srpska with international participation – SBERS2020, 12.-14. November 2020, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, Book of Abstracts, pp. 154-155.
Mulaomerović J. (2019) Projekat Development of tools for rapid assessment of subterranean biodiversity kao prilika za istraživanje šišmiša kraških polja Istočne Hervegovine. In: Mulaomerović J. (Ed.), Večeri ljubitelja šišmiša Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo – Bijambare 25.-27.Oct. 2019, Abstract book, p. 21.
Zagmajster M., Borko Š., Delić T., Fišer C., Fišer Ž., Mulaomerović J., Prevorčnik S., Trontelj P., Zakšek V. (2019) Developing new tools for rapid assessment of subterranean biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Poster presented at the 2nd Dinaric Symposium on Subterranean Biology, 18th – 19th October 2019, Postojna.
Zagmajster M., Borko Š., Delić T., Fišer C., Fišer Ž., Mulaomerović J., Prevorčnik S., Trontelj P., Zakšek V. (2019) Developing new tools for rapid assessment of subterranean biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In: Delić et al. (Eds.), 2nd Dinaric Symposium on Subterranean Biology, 18th – 19th October 2019, Postojna, Abstract Book, p. 52.